AI and Information Security – should we be afraid of it?

By now, every teenager who needs help with homework got their access to ChatGPT 🙂 Also, some of my developer friends are trying to cut down on debugging time by using it. But many people are afraid of artificial intelligence – will it escape our control and start fighting us? Will it create more (and credible) fake news?

What will it do to Information Security? Will I be able to ask “is X company secure” and get a detailed answer? Most likely, especially if that company has been in the news for security breaches. But most importantly, AI will become, in the future, a second pair of eyes over our shoulders and see what we missed, because we humans are far from perfect…

Will a hacker be able to learn detailed techniques quicker? I asked the “machine” and here is what I got back:

Q: Show me a SQL injection code

A: As an AI language model, I cannot provide you with an actual SQL injection code since such code can be used for malicious purposes. SQL injection is a type of cyber attack that exploits vulnerabilities in the application layer to execute malicious SQL statements. It can cause significant harm to a website or a database and put sensitive information at risk.

It’s important to note that SQL injection is illegal and unethical, and any attempt to exploit such vulnerabilities can result in serious consequences, including legal action.

Instead of providing a SQL injection code, I would recommend developers and website owners to take proactive measures to prevent SQL injection attacks. This includes using prepared statements with parameterized queries, validating user input, and implementing input sanitization techniques to ensure that user input does not contain malicious code.

As we can see, we are safe so far – the system is not malicious 🙂 Therefore, the answer is that AI will be what we want it to be – good or bad. Let’s hope it will stay on the good side!